Why Packaging ?

Many agricultural farms and trade companies in Jordan, are interested in exporting their products to the region and around the world. Product quality is the starting point, but what matters more is that it reaches the customer, regardless of where they might exist in the world, with the same promised quality, taste, and health standards. Freight and logistics play an important role in transporting the products from Jordan to their final destination in the best possible and safe manner, coupled with insurance to cover and address any problems in freight that might occur.

At the same time competition is getting fiercer, margins are getting smaller. Today, more than ever, brands are looking for inefficiencies and other hidden savings opportunities to gain a competitive edge. This means critically examining those areas of operation that are often overlooked, such as packaging. Furthermore, the fact still remains that products differ in their nature, ways of handling and most importantly how they are packaged which ensures their freshness, longevity, and unwavering value. This is where the right packaging becomes a necessity, and where packaging consulting enters to the rescue. Packaging consulting helps brands take full advantage of the benefits of better packaging.

What do Packaging consultants do ?
From a single project to long-term strategic partnerships, packaging consultants provide a wide array of consultancy services, including:
  • Packaging design and development
  • Packaging optimization
  • Packaging compliance/performance testing
  • Packaging procurement
  • Packaging life cycle analysis


Why Rawabi Farah Packaging Consulting ?
  • Ensure that proper packaging is the first moment of truth for the customer.
  • Provide the needed experience and expertise to help you make critical packaging decisions.
  • Regardless of the size of your company or the experience and maturity of your packaging department, our consultants can assist with matters that require specialized expertise, such as a more environmentally friendly packaging.
  • Identify opportunities and develop impactful solutions that net real results.
  • Implement new packaging strategies and provide insights that in-house packaging teams lack.
  • Detect and identify operational savings, because the deeper the analysis, the more the savings opportunities.
  • A wholistic packaging supply chain approach from procurement and conversion to the last-mile and the return-trip.
  • Ensure the very best, optimal, premium, most cost-effective packaging recommendations and implementations based on the status quo of your packaging     operations.
  • A team empowered and lead by a senior packaging consultant with over 20 years of experience in international companies (P&G) and other industries.
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