I would like to take this joyous and festive opportunity to welcome you all to our New Website and introduce you to Rawabi Farah. Rawabi Farah is a national project owned by individuals and serving our great nation in new yet practical manner to guarantee our continued existence. Rawabi Farah is a survival project for future generations. Rawabi Farah is a project of optimism and a ray of hope for this nation. I created Rawabi Farah for the sake of future generations as well as vulnerable peoples, around the world, who suffer from the scourges of disease and control of large and colonial companies over their fate, their lives, and the pattern of their survival. Thus, Rawabi Farah was created for them to remain living as per their true and authentic nature, which they are supposed to remain on.

Rawabi Farah is the hope eyed and sought after by everyone who has suffered from disease, weakness, and from deprivation of health to survive. With God’s Willing, this project will be transcontinental, will stand-by and support the weak, and will be a transition point from the colonization and rule of companies and Western Countries to a renaissance of liberation and survival.